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The industry standard for connecting
fatigue models and applications
Although the science behind fatigue models is stable, models continue to improve. In a few years from now it could be that you would prefer to change over to another better model. And perhaps doing so without a lot of integration issues? Jeppesen initiated many years ago the Common Alertness Prediction Interface, the only existing standard for high-performance integration between applications and fatigue models.

CAPI is a run-time interface, enabling linking a compiled library to an application (such as BAM or FAID). CAPI is used in CrewAlert, Concert, Jeppesen Crew Pairing, Rostering, Tracking but also many third-party tools wishing to use the industry standard. CAPI covers the need of all bio-mathematical models allowing the application to pass everything needed for detailed alertness/fatigue predictions.
Key benefits
CAPI supports high-performance interaction between applications and models by allowing for a linked library. The model becomes part of the application itself and there is no need for sending any files back and forth.
CAPI allows for a model-agnostic approach where applications easily can switch over to another model without requiring modifications
CAPI is available for free to integrate in in-house systems, and available for a licence fee for solution providers.