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  • FRM Info

A 'fully-fledged' FRMS

Operators now face the task of establishing processes for either appropriate FRM or, on a more comprehensive scale, implementing what EASA terms a fully-fledged fatigue risk management system. 

While the latter involves additional effort, it offers a more detailed framework with increased possibilities for effectively and efficiently addressing fatigue risk. The International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Fatigue Management Guide for Airline Operators (link) serves as the primary reference document, outlining the essence of an FRMS and its operational dynamics. Recognizing the need for a more concise resource, we here present our popular one-pager, 'A Fatigue Risk Management Systems Visualized', offering you a more streamlined overview and contextualizing Jeppesen FRM tools. Please also find here below the shortest possible 'checklist' for verifying you do have a well-functioning FRMS in place. 

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