2018 was yet another strong year both for the aviation industry and for the The Boeing Company. For the first time, Boeing revenue exceeded $100 billion, much due to a strong aircraft demand. A total of 806 aircraft was delivered during the year, a 6 percent increase over that of 2017, and preparations for the 777X with the groundbreaking foldable wingtips technology were finalized.
On the crew and ops management side, we signed a significant number of new solution agreements, bringing our crew and ops customers base to over 90. Crew Tracking went into production at Swiss, our new Calibration analytics solution went live with good results, and the optimization team managed to make one of the optimization methods up to 40% faster, opening the door for substantial savings for our users.
"For me, the most memorable moment of 2018 was welcoming over 200 customers and colleagues from all around the world to the CONNECT users conference in Lisbon, Portugal. I found it exciting to hear operators share their experiences and success stories and quantification of the impact our solutions deliver to our customers and onto thousands of crew and millions of passengers”, says Peter Andersson, Vice President Crew Management. "Also 2019 has started strong, and we look forward to continue pursuing excellence together with our customers. Optimization matters."
(Find more information here on why optimization matters and the value of great decision support.)