An unstable roster can significantly impact crew fatigue. When crew members anticipate working specific hours, they prepare accordingly—but frequent changes to the roster disrupt their plans, affecting their rest and overall well-being.
The aviation industry has long struggled to find an effective way to measure roster stability. Enter the Spare Time Survival Rate (STSR)—a simple, relevant metric based on two clear points of measurement. STSR reflects the percentage of spare time at home base that remains intact between roster publication and the final operated schedule.
This metric is not only straightforward but also highly meaningful. Did you know that leading European short-haul operators on average deliver a 92% STSR? How does your airline compare? Are your crew members getting the time for family, personal activities, and rest they were originally promised? How are you trending?
With Jeppesen Concert, measuring STSR becomes effortless. Beyond this, the platform tracks 122 other key indicators—both leading and lagging—providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your FRM approach but also your crew management process in general.
Ready to engage to improve crew satisfaction? Contact us to learn how Jeppesen Concert can help you achieve a higher standard in crew management.