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  • FRM Info

Arvid - you have the controls!

Arvid Müllern-Aspegren, well-known to many people active in the FRM domain, is stepping in as Head of Scheduling Safety at Jeppesen.

Arvid, tell us about your background and why you are taking this role now.

-I have been in the team for some six years now, working with fatigue risk management all around the world. Prior to that I worked as a service manager with our day-of-operation solutions, and before that as a team leader at a management consultancy firm. While Tomas is away on sabbatical leave for almost a year, I will step in to fill the role in his absence.

What are your ambitions for the Jeppesen FRM portfolio during that period?

-There won't be any dramatic course-changes, but expansion is one of the items that will keep me busy. We have several customers that are in their early phase of usage, so helping them harvest value and get up to speed is high on the agenda. We're also now augmenting our team with two more persons, which will help in scaling up further. Regarding our offering and products, we are already in a very fortunate position, so my intent is simply to continue to build upon that platform and the momentum we have.

Any developments now that you are particularly concerned or excited about?

-Many operators are starting to spin up again after the pandemic, and managing crew fatigue risk becomes increasingly important compared to 'normal' operations with all sorts of new patterns and staff shortages. I'm concerned about where that may lead of course, but also quite excited about so many operators now showing a renewed interest in managing risk proactively, going beyond the regulatory requirements. We have indeed an interesting year ahead of us. I have the controls.

You have the controls.


Read more here about effectively controlling fatigue risk in the crew management process.


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