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CDP, resiliance at its best

FRM Info

The Jeppesen Crew and Ops Developers Partners Forum (a.k.a. 'CDP') is a gathering of planning expertise held annually since 1998. After two years being forced to do virtual meetings, it was a big relief to once again run this as an in-person gathering in Gothenburg on 31 May to 1 June. Helena Hellman, Product Manager Planning Integration at Jeppesen, summarises the event like this:

"CDP was very well attended - we actually had more participants than back in 2019, before COVID. As usual, we had a 'smörgåsbord' of 25 different sessions to chose from for our customers. Those sessions covered crew planning topics, FRM, simulation in an OCC environment, business modelling with RAVE, demos of new features and of course several aspects of optimization - just to mention a few."

Helena continues: "One takeaway for us was that the process changes resulting in a closer collaboration between network planning and crew planning, enforced by the pandemic, is likley here to stay at most operators going forward. This creates an enhanced resilience to future disruptions."

We will meet up next time, in-person, at the Jeppesen Connect Crew & Ops Users Conference, held in Frankfurt in October. Keep in touch with your Boeing/Jeppesen representative for the invite.

You are welcome to check out the short video below to see a glimpse of CDP. For more information about Jeppesen Crew and Ops products, please follow this link.


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