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  • FRM Info

EASA regulation update. Effective immediately.

In late January, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) organized a 'FRM Workshop' in Vienna, aiming to disseminate information about recent regulatory changes that took effect in December last year. A notable adjustment is the requirement for all operators involved in night duties or late finish duties to implement what is now termed 'Appropriate Fatigue Risk Management' (FRM). Previously, this was only mandated for night duties exceeding 10 hours.

In response to these regulatory modifications, several operators find themselves urgently adapting to comprehend the new requirements and swiftly adjusting their processes to ensure full compliance. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, this edition of the FRM News Flash has been transformed into a 'Special Edition'. It offers valuable links to resources that can aid operators in navigating these changes effectively.

For those utilizing Jeppesen's FRM services, additional guidance and clarifications are available through our dedicated Huddle sessions. For any inquiries or further assistance, Jeppesen FRM customers are welcome to contact us directly here.

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