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FRM Info

Goodbye few-and-far-between Fatigue Reports...

...and welcome to a new efficient and secure way of continuously receiving crew fatigue risk feedback!

Crew fatigue reporting was, by ICAO and regulators intended, to be an instrument for operators to gauge and assess the crews' experienced fatigue levels. Fatigue reports were meant to be something of a foundation for a data-driven statistical approach in an FRMS. Reality is, for most airlines, that fatigue reports are too 'few and far between' to support well-founded conclusions and actions. They normally don't gauge the risk development over time in a good way due to poor representativeness of the reports. And without any 'alertness reports' to balance against, little is learned and subsequently actioned on from the few data points received. The reports often do a better job explaining outliers, than reflecting the overall structure and trends in the operation.

At the same time, traditional 'proper' fully-fledged fatigue data collections have been found to be overly expensive and time consuming, involving a lot of logistics distributing the hardware and material needed. This has resulted in these collections only being done occasionally, and as a result producing limited data. 

For progressive operators that really would like to know what is going on in their operation, there is now a new efficient platform for doing so. Jeppesen has, in collaboration with airline partners, extended the Concert platform with an extremely quick and easy way for crew to provide KSS assessments on a frequent basis - even continuously. The brand new CrewAlert TOD app ('TOD' for Top Of Descent) is an app with a minimal learning curve, that collects KSS assessments at any time during working hours, together with supplementary optional information on prior sleep and mental effort. The data is placed in a secure storage available for statistical analysis, side-by-side with the roster information that is added automatically. The result is a powerful business intelligence solution with planned/published/flown pairings and rosters with predictions from BAM, and now also the experienced actuals from the crew - all available in a consolidated way for easy monitoring, analysis and follow-up. 

CrewAlert TOD becomes available on Appstore and the Google Play Store in most countries during October. Please contact us to learn more and line up for a data collection that makes a real difference. 


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