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  • FRM Info

Have you hit a plateau in your FRM work?

Ok..., so you have addressed what is required in the ICAO guidance material and what has been imposed on you by your regulator. You've been in countless meetings with crew representatives, the crew planning department, flight safety and management. You have embraced bio-mathematical models and implemented some acceptance criteria on the predictions as well as for some other SPIs. You have fought what seems an impossible battle to reduce fatigue risk in a very complex crew management process. But you have little evidence of real improvement and now you have yourself contracted 'fatigue fatigue'. You have clearly hit a plateau. Where to go from here?

You are not alone. The complexities in the intersection between crew management, sleep science and flight safety are considerable and not at all easy to overcome.

With a desire to rejuvenate energy in FRM post holders we hope to shine a light on possible paths forward for exhausted FRM professionals. Please find here some food for thought in a position paper from Jeppesen on how to 'raise the bar' for your FRM-endeavours. Let's climb the next hill, and beyond!

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