CrewAlert TOD, the go-to app for iOS and Android when it comes to continuously measuring fatigue risk for flight operations far beyond what fatigue reporting allows for, just became even more powerful.
Already in the previous version, crew needed only a about 20 seconds per flight to score their sleepiness levels.
In our latest update, just made available for iOS, we've added Siri shortcuts. Crew can now log their sleepiness levels in an even faster and more convenient way via the native Siri voice commands on iPhone and iPad. As simple as this:
- Hey Siri, log sleepiness level seven.
The CrewAlert TOD app (TOD for 'Top of Descent') is available for free on both the Appstore and the Google Play store, but entities organising a data collection will need to provide crew with their user account information. In case you represent an airline operator, union, or even a regulator, and would like to know more about how to get up and running with a data collection using CrewAlert TOD, please contact us here. Welcome!
Links to CrewAlert TOD: Appstore, Google Play