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  • FRM Info

Not all Models are Created Equal

Updated: Jul 14, 2019

At Jeppesen we firmly believe in applying the leading science of human physiology, sleep and cognition to the crew management process for producing crew rosters that reduce fatigue risk, improve crew satisfaction and increase efficiency -- making a real, tangible difference for both crew and airlines. 

The only practical way of applying science in a granular way to these highly automated planning processes, which often includes usage of industry-strength optimizers, is to utilise bio-mathematical models (BMMs) which influence the crew rosters planned and operated. Very few operators are planning their crew manually today, therefore support for automation and optimization in this space becomes a necessity. 

However, not all BMMs are created equal. It is crucial to not only use a BMM with a transparent and peer-reviewed validation, but also one that has the capabilities needed for a smooth and effective application to the crew management processes. The Boeing Alertness Model (BAM) is such a BMM that was built for this purpose from the very beginning, nearly a decade ago. Please find here a comparison matrix enabling a side-by-side comparison of BMMs, to provide helpful insights when you next look to upgrade your FRM capabilities.

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