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  • FRM Info

Questioning is the art of learning

Good analysis delivers valuable insights. We often start off seeking answers to as set of well-defined questions we ask ourselves. Where are our fatigue hotspots? What is the development of productivity of our flown rosters, over the past three years? How does that compare to the published rosters?

The answers to these questions are valuable, but even more so are often the set of new questions that we formulate when going over our findings. What is the cause of those peaks over the summer? Why do they seem to come back every second week? Why does it differ between captains and first officers?

Analytics is an iterative process. When correctly performed, the result is a much deeper and broader understanding for the complex relationships between the factors involved - and the outcomes. The new questions we arrive at, are often just as valuable as the answers. They constitute the foundation for organisational learning.

Welcome to contact us for a demo of Concert, the leading platform for fatigue risk analysis, ready to enhance your operation. More information: Concert, BAM.


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