Comparing fatigue models is not that straight forward. There are many aspects to take into consideration before taking a decision. A decision that should regularly be questioned - as the market, the science and the models evolve.
Validation and accuracy are of course of utmost importance but so is also the overall feature set, transparency, long-term viability, integration options, model interchangeability, and of course applicability and performance.
To simplify the task for operators of benchmarking fatigue models against each other, Jeppesen compiled a few years ago the most important requirements into a model comparison matrix. This matrix has since been used in many purchasing processes world-wide, assisting a fair side-by-side comparison of models. Often, of course, complemented with practical trials on test data.
You can find an updated comparison matrix here, with BAM properties already populated. Please just fill out the same for whatever other model you use, or are thinking of using, and give it some consideration with other facts at hand. You are welcome to contact us should you then wish to discuss raising your game. Enjoy.