It goes without saying that healthy and motivated pilots and cabin crew are critical to aviation safety. Looking beyond only fatigue risk alone, there are a multitude of factors impacting health and motivation such as work-related stress, limited influence over work content and working times, unorthodox working hours or leave/rest periods, frequent late changes to the rosters with negative impact on spare time and recovery, and so on. All in combination with extensive responsibilities and high expectations for efficiency and punctuality.
The research into the work environment, assessing the ’current state’ as well as the trends in industry, is therefore of high importance - especially now when more and more operators perceive a need of ’pushing the limits’ in terms of crew utilization.
Trinity College is currently leading research into this field aimed at promoting and maintaining wellbeing for pilots. They recently published some initial results in a paper called ’Interventions to support the management of work-related stress (WRS) and wellbeing/mental health issues for commercial pilots’ *, paid download found here .
If you are a pilot, and agree this work is important, please consider assisting their further research by filling out their survey in the Pilot Wellbeing Study . Thank you in advance for your help!
* Cahill, J., Cullen, P. & Gaynor, K. Cogn Tech Work (2019)