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Summer reading. And avocado en masse.

The Jeppesen FRM News Flash will take a break over the summer and return again in August. Meanwhile, in case you missed any of them, why not read the store pieces about the amazing story behind Carmen, today Jeppesen, and the unique architecture we refer to as 'the avocado'? And speaking of avocados; there's some great recipes in there too to try out this summer! Enjoy.

- The Legacy, describing how it all started. Leif Heidenfors

- Levelling up; how it accelarated into a larger business. Erik Andersson

- The Explosion; the optimization edge and how it came about. Dag Wedelin

- Striking Oil, the crucial design decisions behind the business modeling layer RAVE. Tommy Bohlin

- Treasured Relationships; the customer perspective on it all. Marcel Sol

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