Our itinerary starts by visiting Leif Heidenfors, now retired since a few years ago, who was one of the original 'founders' and participants in the 'CARM' project at Volvo Data at the very beginning. We sat down together to recap the early years:
Leif Heidenfors, good to catch up with you. What are you doing nowadays
- Hi there. I retired back in October 2015 and today I’m enjoying time with friends, family and grandchildren - plus I’m also keeping myself busy with some real estate management.
You were one of the original ‘founders’ of our business back at Volvo IT in the mid-eighties, can you tell us a bit about how it all began?
- It really took off sometime 1984 when... (read the full interview here).
Thirty Years... is a trip down memory lane where we, in a series of 'articles', attempt to tell the story behind our unique crew solution suite, and learn more about avocado (!), by interviewing some of the key persons involved, commemorating thirty years since we first engaged in optimization with SAS and Lufthansa. Don't miss out on Episode II: 'Levelling up'.