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Thirty Years, Episode II: Levelling Up

Our itinerary continues by interviewing Erik Andersson, retired from Jeppesen since 2016, and just like Leif in the previous episode - one of the original founders of the business. We had a lunch together to talk about the early years:

Erik Andersson, thanks for meeting up. What is keeping you busy nowadays?

- Hi there. I retired back in 2016 and today I am enjoying life in general; engaging in a number of different things such as politics, children and grandchildren of course and I also ended up taking care of a teak plantation down in South America.

Leif mentioned you were key to the company first engaging in optimization. Can you talk us through it a bit? - Actually, optimization development didn’t start inside the ‘Carmen’ group. The early Carmen marketing pitch was to play down the importance of optimization, placing the focus mostly on the graphical tools. My employment in 1987 was in a consulting group doing statistical simulation of factory flows, and my task was to start ‘optimization’ as a new... (read the full interview here).


Thirty Years... is a trip down memory lane where we, in a series of 'articles', attempt to tell the story behind our unique crew solution suite, and learn more about avocado (!), by interviewing some of the key persons involved, commemorating thirty years since we first engaged in optimization with SAS and Lufthansa. Don't miss out on Episode III, called 'The Explosion'.


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