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Thirty Years, Episode III: The Explosion

Our itinerary continues by interviewing Dag Wedelin, professor at Chalmers, and an early influencer and innovator in the story of our business. We met and talked about optimization:

Dag Wedelin, thank you for taking time to meet us. What are you occupied with currently?

- I’m at Chalmers University of Technology, where I’m responsible for the division of Data Science and AI at the CSE department. I’m as busy as ever with managing this growing area, teaching new courses as well as doing some research.

We talked to Erik previously, and he mentioned your ‘floff’ solver. Can you start by explaining to us what makes these optimization problems so challenging?

- I can give it a try. On the highest level you can of course describe the challenges as... (read the full interview here).

Thirty Years... is a trip down memory lane where we, in a series of 'articles', attempt to tell the story behind our unique crew solution suite, and learn more about avocado (!), by interviewing some of the key persons involved, commemorating thirty years since we first engaged in optimization with SAS and Lufthansa. Don't miss out on the upcoming Episode IV, called 'Striking Oil'.


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