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FRM Info

Welcome to go beyond fatigue reporting!

A fatigue reporting system serves as a basic tool for assessing risk, but it has notable shortcomings. Firstly, under-reporting is widespread due to various reasons. Crew members might hesitate to report because they've reported issues before, but the company took no action. Additionally, concerns about potential 'interrogation,' fear of being seen as 'difficult,' and the perceived time-consuming nature of the reporting process contribute to the reluctance. Some may even feel that fatigue is just a normal part of their day, discouraging them from reporting. Others that they may have caused it themselves, so why report?

Moreover, these reports only capture fatiguing conditions. To truly understand effective scheduling patterns, operators need more nuanced information. It's crucial to ascertain not only fatigued conditions but also how many crew members are functioning well or unexpectedly alert on specific roster patterns.

Jeppesen has for some time now been offering our FRM customers data collection through CrewAlert TOD, an app available on iOS and Android. With just a few seconds needed, crew members can record essential data multiple times during their workday. When configured correctly, this feature complements fatigue reporting, providing continuous, representative data on both alert and fatigued conditions of the crew, and additional details.

Now, Jeppesen invites also any operator to utilize CrewAlert TOD. If you're ready to move beyond fatigue reporting and want a smooth, secure way to understand the real dynamics of your operation, to learn what is really going on, please contact us here for terms and conditions and more information.

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