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What are the signs of a sleep-deprived co-worker?

It’s estimated that 50-70 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from a sleep disorder. Sleep deprivation can be linked to a sleep disorder, but it may also be caused (and therefore also fixed) by our lifestyle choices. If sleep deficiency is left unchecked it can develop into a sleep disorder. 

Chances are high that you will know or work with someone that suffers from either a sleep disorder or sleep deprivation. Some external or physical signs can include:

  • Drinking copious amounts of coffee - needing several cups of joe to get through the day, can be a coping mechanism to get through the day when sleep has been poor during nighttime.  

  • Yawning – yawning is a classic sign of fatigue and if you catch yourself or a colleague yawning several times, chances are, you haven’t had a good night’s sleep. 

  • ( the full artice here)

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