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  • FRM Info

What Gets Measured Gets Done

Updated: Jul 14, 2019

The month of June will become fatigue risk analytics month here at Jeppesen. Fully aware that many operators are struggling to quantify and trend their overall fatigue risk, we have decided to issue free 'trial tickets' to Jeppesen Concert.

So, if you are interested in knowing how your fatigue risk has developed in the last couple of years accross your entire operation, and where your hotspots are - please contact us over email here for a trial. We will arrange for two months of access to the now leading solution, Jeppesen Concert, which can be used regardless of what crew management system you currently use.

Please note that seats are limited. The only requirements are that your operation has more than 20 aircrafts, and that you are not already a Jeppesen FRM customer. What gets measured gets done. Welcome! 

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